Hammond gets help on key question: Does travel = transportation?

Sheriff Jim Hammond, the most powerful man in Hamilton County, Tenn, declines to answer questions about the scope of authority of the driver license law, but indicates his belief that no one can be on the road without a license, even if that person is non-commercial. (Photo David Tulis) Sheriff Jim Hammond declines to answer […]

Why travel by blacks allowed, but only under license

Roger Taney, the supreme court justice whose Dred Scott opinion shored up black chattel slavery. Black people aren’t free to travel the highways, lanes and roads of Tennessee, according to state government and its rows of officials and officers. By David Tulis / NoogaRadio 92.7 They are told they cannot be on the open road […]

People dread traveling; many traffic stops end in cop violence

The only danger to their personal safety and security most people face using the public streets is the police officer. (Photo David Tulis) “Quit resisting.”—Cops yell at compliant young man who was thrown to the ground, beaten, arrested and hospitalized for severe injuries to his face and arm, allegedly in retaliation for “resisting arrest” by […]

Terrorism makes peoples, states quake with fear; Bible gives right response

The modern security state uses terrorist acts to consolidate power, eliminate constitutional and civil rights. (Photo Antiwar.com) You are not to say, “It is a conspiracy!” in regard to all that this people call a conspiracy, and you are not to fear what they fear or be in dread of it. It is the LORD […]

TVA cops use TN statute to harass Highway 153, other travelers

TVA claims law enforcement jurisdiction as against the people in seven states, the authority to chase people down in traffic stops under the Tennessee code annotated even though expired or mismatched car tags do not endanger the public safety nor the operation of coal-fired electricity plants. (Photo Wikipedia) Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA […]

Gun-toting free traveler argues biggest TN liberty case in 80 years

Arthur J. Hirsch may be the first appellant in 80 years to correctly understand the lawlessness of commercial government. (Photo David Tulis) A Republican governor and his attorneys have marshaled technical arguments against an appeal by a defendant whom a jury criminally convicted for exercising his “God-given, constitutionally guaranteed rights” to travel by car and […]

City weighs ‘fright’ factor in use of unmarked cop cars to stop women in traffic

Chief Fred Fletcher says the mother of a boy shot by gangland misdoings suffered “fear and horror.” But do city police traffic stops in private cars create such fright among innocent users of the public roadways? The story develops. (Photo Wrcbtv.com) A public statement given by Chief Fred Fletcher in the case of the shooting […]

CDC proposes indefinite detainment, forced vaccination, unlimited surveillance for travelers

We have until October 14 to give the CDC feedback on its proposed rule. Go to www.regulations.gov/comment?D=CDC-2016-0068-0001 and tell CDC what you think!  By Chiara King The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to amend its quarantine regulations. These Proposed Rules will allow CDC and its agents to perform MANDATORY […]

TN town tracks residents, travelers with license plate reader

Police are using license plate reading cameras mounted on hoods, trunks and roofs. (Photo Tenthamendmentcenter.com) LEBANON, Tenn. (Sept. 23, 2016) – A small-town Tennessee police department recently deployed an automatic license plate reader system that allows officers to collect and store data on the location of drivers in the city and feed it into a […]

Obama feasts on ignorance to devour property rights

The U.S. government’s interventions against discrimination in the housing market renders ownership barren. President Obama is successfully executing the most dangerous seizure of individual choice in our history because Americans are growing blind to the bond between property rights and human rights. While farm owners surrender their land development rights to governments, federal agencies relocate affordable housing next to million dollar homes, and […]