Mike Little: Cited to city court, you are wise to know your rights, its limitations

Mike Little is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Chattanooga and an adjunct law course professor at UTC. The candidate for Hamilton County criminal court shares his insights into rights of the defendant and traffic stops. [I feel it will be most useful to hear Mr. Little’s unfiltered explanations about how inferior courts work, given […]

Senate clerk mum as blocks bid to impeach crooked judges

Whispers about a remonstrance project swirl this week in Nashville as the senate clerk refuses to answer press questions about his rejection of senate rules and a TV station airs a salacious story about Tennessee judges whoring and toking in the tropics. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio Senate clerk Russell Humphrey ignores repeated efforts […]

Showing partiality is personable, honorable; but is it just, constitutional?

How is it that an honorable Hamilton County jurist allows his court to keep alive an abusive prosecution by city police and the district attorney’s office of a poor black woman who refuses to cave? Admittedly I don’t know the reasons why judge Clarence Shattuck in sessions court passes a rack of criminal charges against […]

Judge Shattuck won’t let go, binds Watt over to grand jury

CHATTANOOGA, Tenn., Feb. 21, 2019 — Today in sessions court in Chattanooga Judge Clarence Shattuck sends the case against Diana Watt to the grand jury. At least one of the a charges against her is being dropped, that of retaliation against officer or official for past action. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio Mrs. Watt, […]

Mrs. Watt stands ground vs. abusive traffic arrest

A woman who was charged in a viral 2018 arrest in Chattanooga is refusing to cooperate with police and prosecutors by yielding her rights and entering a plea deal. Diana Watt, who works as a caregiver among the elderly, says she has no intention of accepting hastily proffered deals on a stack of criminal charges […]

With police powers notice, we need not bow down to Haman

When Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and that he did not stand or tremble before him, he was filled with indignation against Mordecai. — Esther 5:9 For the past year, Chattanooga has been under administrative notice regarding the state transportation law and its limits. The evil being done by city police upon thousands […]

How hiphop artist C-Grimey might use administrative notice in crunch

Cameron Williams is like thousands of people in the Chattanooga area — burdened by a revoked or suspended or canceled driver license. But what if he just has to get into a car and steer down the street — and what if he’s caught? (Photo Cameron Williams on FB) Cameron Williams, or C-Grimey, is a […]

City council rapt as Gray tells of iffy arrest, injuries to girl

Avery Gray, center, talks with broadcast journalist Marie Mott and Isaiah Moore, a repentant and married former gang member. (Photo David Tulis) A tearful Avery Gray recounts to entranced city council the arrest of her daughter in June, dragged by a city cop from a parked car downtown in a legally sketchy arrest. Mrs. Gray […]