Clean-water boosters urge legislators to turn off fluoride

Top photo, staffers at Hixson Utility District raise a flag prior to a December 2016 board meeting at which utility overseers declared support for use of fluoride, a government-approved industrial waste additive in otherwise potable drinking water. (Photo David Tulis) Boosters of clean water in Tennessee are citing the work of a courageous board in […]

Berke’s new police chief faces array of abuses, unfinished business

Chattanooga police acting chief David Roddy admires machine guns belonging to the federal military. Local base commander White is at left. (Photo, Fred Fletcher Twitter) Rochelle Gelpin of Hixson was arrested in her pajamas and groundlessly accused of “disorderly conduct.” Because she “sat on her rights” she was unable to sue for damages.(Photo David Tulis) […]

Humiliating TVA traffic stops show poverty of TN government

A TVA police officer, Scott E. Stone, gives me this business card after stopping a woman for having a motor vehicle tag that didn’t match her car. (Photo David Tulis) The TVA traffic enforcement story is raising alarm because it suggests how far down the state has sunk and, with it, its people. By David […]

As juror, you have authority to judge facts — and the law

Jurors in the Hamilton County courthouse have the authority from God and the Tennessee constitution to nullify evil laws or evil application of good laws. (Photo David Tulis) An important avenue in which we can, and must, currently work to restore the principles of liberty is through jury nullification. This practice, once widely accepted among Christian […]

Credibility of sky stripe story gains as more people look up

Dane Wigington explains aerosol geoenginering, top video, while David Tulis listens to Dr. Marvin Herndon of San Diego in a radio interview. Dr. Herndon in 2015 made a major break in the sky striping story. They discuss the Kingston coal fly ash slurry disaster and how coal fly ash is an ideal substance for weather […]

TVA cops use TN statute to harass Highway 153, other travelers

TVA claims law enforcement jurisdiction as against the people in seven states, the authority to chase people down in traffic stops under the Tennessee code annotated even though expired or mismatched car tags do not endanger the public safety nor the operation of coal-fired electricity plants. (Photo Wikipedia) Tennessee law appears to allow for TVA […]

TVA roadside traffic stops, arrests ‘provide value’ for people

TVA cop Scott E. Stone has used an LPR to seize a family traveling in Chattanooga to question them about a mismatched motor vehicle tag on their car July 22, 2017. (Photo David Tulis) A woman explains why a tag on the back of her car is mismatched on state records to an officer (barely […]

Coal utility seizes Chattanoogans in ‘traffic stops’

A TVA spokesman says there is no limit on federal jurisdiction by agency cops, who are now performing traffic enforcement stops in police cars disguised as private vehicles. (Courtesy TVA roadside traffic stops, arrests ‘provide value’ for people Gun-toting free traveler argues biggest TN liberty case in 80 years TVA arrests family in traffic […]

TVA arrests family in traffic stop as agency claims total TN jurisdiction

TVA officer Scott E. Stone gestures to an eyewitness at a “traffic stop” of a family sedan in Hixson on Saturday. (Photo David Tulis) Members of a family are let go after a “traffic stop” by a TVA cop near Chickamauga Dam on July 22. (Photo David Tulis) In this unmarked cruiser, TVA police officer […]

Double whammy: Hirsch rips gun law, says cops act outside law in traffic cases

Jay Hirsch after arguing his right-to-travel and right-to-bear-arms case before a three-judge panel of the Tennessee criminal court of appeals. (Photo David Tulis) NASHVILLE, July 18, 2017 — A criminal court of appeals today hears arguments from a 65-year-old laborer in Middle Tennessee who says that the gun statute is unconstitutional because it is vague […]