Gnome insists on roadway rights apart from licensing demands

By David Tulis I have a driver’s license. So do you. So why my interest in that user of the road who refuses to obtain a driver’s licenses from the Tennessee Department of Safety and Homeland Security? Why do I care about him and spill ink on his behalf? Because they are defenders of the […]

Mike Little: Cited to city court, you are wise to know your rights, its limitations

Mike Little is an experienced criminal defense attorney in Chattanooga and an adjunct law course professor at UTC. The candidate for Hamilton County criminal court shares his insights into rights of the defendant and traffic stops. [I feel it will be most useful to hear Mr. Little’s unfiltered explanations about how inferior courts work, given […]

DA Schmidt so abuses law he may make perfect sessions judge in Wednesday vote

Fraud has the outward visible sign of honesty, but lacks the inward spiritual grace. A legal maxim District attorney David Schmidt, in the running as one of 20 applicants for sessions court judge in Hamilton County, is blotted by at least one violation of  lawyer ethics in a recent case involving a liberty oriented criminal […]

Jackson, facing new arrest, avers private use of road in affidavit

Keelah Jackson is a private person who is struggling to get out from under administrative state claims in Tennessee that are effectively a civil death sentence upon her. She has unpaid fines and fees that caused Tennessee to suspend her driver license. She is relying on transportation administrative notice and a clear understanding of her […]

Interview: State is trafficker in weird securities — car titles, birth certificates

Today on my show I will have an interview with a studied commoner, Brian Robertson, whose calling is in the transportation industry (aka truck driver/operator). This private student of law proposes that our authority over our children is limited on account of marriage licenses and birth certificates, which are financial and commercial instruments, some of […]

NAACP lawyer Flores’ suit vs. cop Piazza upholds human trafficking power

Cop-chasing Chattanooga attorney Robin Flores is suing a police officer and city of Chattanooga in a case that seeks relief for a humiliated black motorist but also upholds the white legal political establishment’s abuse of the traveling public. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio In his suit Fredrico Wolfe versus city of Chattanooga, Officer Benjamin […]

Showing partiality is personable, honorable; but is it just, constitutional?

How is it that an honorable Hamilton County jurist allows his court to keep alive an abusive prosecution by city police and the district attorney’s office of a poor black woman who refuses to cave? Admittedly I don’t know the reasons why judge Clarence Shattuck in sessions court passes a rack of criminal charges against […]

Mrs. Watt stands ground vs. abusive traffic arrest

A woman who was charged in a viral 2018 arrest in Chattanooga is refusing to cooperate with police and prosecutors by yielding her rights and entering a plea deal. Diana Watt, who works as a caregiver among the elderly, says she has no intention of accepting hastily proffered deals on a stack of criminal charges […]

Powerful traffic court defense if ‘driving on revoked’: Necessity

If you signed the criminal complaint against you (traffic ticket) and are in the crowd of people awaiting to confront your accuser, the hallowed State of Tennessee, you have a defense that came from the lips of the world’s most innocent, yet most accused, person. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio And that is the […]