With police powers notice, we need not bow down to Haman

When Haman saw Mordecai in the king’s gate, and that he did not stand or tremble before him, he was filled with indignation against Mordecai. — Esther 5:9 For the past year, Chattanooga has been under administrative notice regarding the state transportation law and its limits. The evil being done by city police upon thousands […]

New stimulus for Hammond chief: Traffic stops limited

The toughest question Gino Bennett asks me is, “Are you saying that a person who is committing a violation is not under the authority of our officer?” Mr. Bennett is the chief lieutenant of Jim Hammond, Hamilton County’s elected sheriff, and is almost always attending to the county’s most powerful man as his director of […]

Last party likely to help minorities end city oppression: Lawyers

Transportation administrative notice is coming up on its 1st year as a newfangled reform doctrine and public document, hanging over the heads of Chattanooga-area city governments and the state’s executive branch. Those who know the most about it are readers of this website and listeners of my weekday show at 1 p.m. at 92.7 NoogaRadio. […]

Lawyer meeting notes: Traffic stop reform in all its fruits, starting here

Chattanooga police officer Sgt. Wayne Jefferson talks to members of the citizens police academy in Chattanooga. (Photo David Tulis) Police powers reform in Tennessee is beginning in Chattanooga. Here are the main arguments for directing city police to respect the limits of the statute at Tenn. Code Ann. § Title 55, the state transportation statute, […]

In redress of real estate grievance, Gravitt spikes ‘proof of ownership of the roads’

Marc Gravitt, the Hamilton County register of deeds, refuses to record a power of attorney and notice that is part of a first amendment and racial reconciliation project — namely, transportation administrative notice. Here sits a courageous man with Cleo Coker Gravitt, Ethan White and Esther Helton, an East Ridge city councilwoman running for the […]

Judge orders TN to halt to driver license suspensions

Licenses cannot be revoked because of poverty and a failure to pay court debt, a judge has ruled (Photo Midsouthtransplant.org) U.S. District Court judge Aleta Trauger on Tuesday issued an order in one of two driver license cases in which she rebukes Tennessee for its oppressive use of state privileges to harass and oppress the […]

I win cockroach war with local economy, bottom-up methods

This cockroach, covered with speckles of diatomaceous earth, wriggles in death agony on my kitchen floor as I go all-natural in fighting pests. The white powder covering his body also is sprinkled against the floorboard in the background. (Photo David Tulis) Instead of the thorn shall come up the cypress tree, and instead of the […]

City council rapt as Gray tells of iffy arrest, injuries to girl

Avery Gray, center, talks with broadcast journalist Marie Mott and Isaiah Moore, a repentant and married former gang member. (Photo David Tulis) A tearful Avery Gray recounts to entranced city council the arrest of her daughter in June, dragged by a city cop from a parked car downtown in a legally sketchy arrest. Mrs. Gray […]