Berke would make enemies if takes tough action over roadside abuses

Mayor Andy Berke of Chattanooga celebrates residents’ creativity in his state of the city speech April 19. (Photo Andy Berke) Ending police abuse of the traveling public in Chattanooga and beyond is an exciting prospect that will increase freedom and liberty in the area, draw more people to live and prosper here, and become an […]

Taxi board oversees transportation, no authority over private travel

Justin Strickland is the new chairman of Chattanooga’s taxi board, which regulates “vehicles for hire,” those involved in commerce. (Photo David Tulis) Hotel marketing manager Justin Strickland is the new head of the city’s transportation board, a sleepy volunteer regulator that exercises authority over transportation in the city. By David Tulis / 92.7 NoogaRadio Mr. […]

Cops stop truck transporting explosives without permits, placards

Bags of explosive material sit in the back of a Ford pickup without being secured according to the Tennessee transportation code in title 55. (Photo THP) A Tennessee highway patrol trooper arrests a driver transporting explosives without proper permit or markings. (Photo THP) Law enforcement intervention against travelers on the roads in Tennessee operates many […]

It’s time DA Pinkston squints at TN traffic law, observes limited scope

This is the arrest photo of a man in Hamilton County charged with criminal violation of the traffic law. Under it, common people are charged as drivers and operators who do not have their papers in order, just as in fascist-racist countries such as South Africa under apartheid. ( Another defendant of Tennessee’s commercial statutes […]

City urged restrain cops, obey TN traffic law, avoid abusing minorities

The Chattanooga News Chronicle, a progressive voice for African-Americans, is open to hearing more about my efforts to give notice to officials about limits on the Tennessee traffic law. (Photo David Tulis) A chronic abuse by Tennessee’s white establishment against minorities is the enforcement of traffic laws against people who are not subject to those […]

Begging ban hits 9 pages of type + appendices as shopkeeps voice support

A red ribbon flutters toward the tarmac after William Green, cente, opens his M.L. King Boulevard eatery, G’s Detroit Sausages, a shop whose customers are frequently hassled by beggars. (Photo Facebook) Four opponents of a city panhandling ban talk local politics after a second city council meeting focusing on complaints about begging and harsh measures […]

Hammond mulls 7 questions on travel right, transportation privilege

Truck driver Benjamin Brewer, who kills six people in a 2015 Chattanooga crash, is sentenced under state and federal law for being an operator of a motor vehicle who violated the rules for commercial use of highways. Hamilton County Sheriff Jim Hammond is mulling questions i sent him March 8 following a March 1 interview […]

City claims authority to regulate vehicles for hire

A bus subject to city regulation passes in front of the Realto theater in 1935. The city charter gives the corporation power to tax for-profit vehicles for hire — and boldly claims the power to impose a tax on private “pleasure” cars. (Photo Chattanooga History Center, Picnooga) Transportation administrative notice is supported from an another […]

Might we work together, dear reverend, to abolish this roadside human trafficking?

God’s people at Greater Friendship Primitive Baptist Church in Glenwood and others in Chattanooga have an interest to work toward ending a police oppression upon the people through the state’s commercial transportation statute. (Photo Google) The following is a thank you letter to a Christian minister who has just given me an hour to discuss […]

Dayton mayor Louallen debates journalist on limits of police authority

David Tulis gives a transportation administrative notice Feb. 23, 2018, to Gary Louallen, mayor of Dayton, Tenn., a town in which a few people use the public roadway without state permit but face arrest or citation is stopped. (Photo Facebook) Dayton is the seat of Rhea County, Tenn., where a courthouse stands as a tourist […]