Violent images shock conscience as Tennessee group fights for children

Center for Bio-Ethical Reform volunteer Gary Johnson and abortion victim posters that saved a baby in Knoxville. By Fletcher Armstrong Occasionally, we encounter the pro-lifer who supports the use of abortion victim photos (AVPs) on college campuses (in an academic setting), but not outside abortion clinics (where they might be seen by pre-abortive or post-abortive […]

Black baby 3x more likely than white to be destroyed in Tennessee

My annotated printout of the 2013 butchery record of boys and girls in Tennessee. By David Tulis Desolation of heart among women in Tennessee is so great that thousands of them every year destroy their children before birth. Every 13th baby among Caucasian women is decapitated and destroyed in utero. Every fourth nonwhite baby is […]

10 questions about sky to test your powers of observation

Often nowadays we see the sun through a hazy filter. Any ideas why? (Photo David Tulis) By David Tulis In covering local economy and free markets in Chattanooga I have come upon the story of “solar radiation management” as it affects weather conditions and indirectly the health of local residents. I argue that strong evidence […]

Tennesseans must be shocked to press further than Amendment 1

Volunteers for Center for Bio-Ethical Reform stand before a display in Knoxville, Tenn. By Fletcher Armstrong Now that the vote is in, there are important lessons to be learned, not just in Tennessee, but nationally as well. 1.  Until we change public opinion, Amendment 1 (along with the anticipated ensuing regulations) are about as much […]

White abortionist was goof-off in your dad’s biology class

Jane Bullington, right, of Knoxville talks about babies with minority students at James Madison University in Harrisonburg, Va.‡‡ (Photo by Center for Bio-Ethical Reform) By David Tulis The gentleman physician who stands by, his stethoscope dangling at the collar of his white lab coat, got his worldview from the public school system from which you […]

Shadow on the field of your inheritance

By David Tulis You googled “abortion chattanooga” because you are searching. You have liberty to do so. Some long while ago the Supreme Court issued a decision, Roe something-or-other, that makes abortion a fundamental right. You have a sense of thankfulness for the judges, two rows of elderly, black-robed men and women with serious, dignified […]

Baby girls in Tennessee face bleak future without Amendment 1

Voters on Nov. 4 are being asked to make the Tennessee constitution more open to the protection of preborn babies. By David Tulis By their votes Tennesseans have a chance to pare back the custom supported by many women that destroys baby girls before birth. Boys, too; but only a few care about them. Amendment […]

Neo-Nazi protest reveals family squabble with major parties

Total police presence at a protest by National Socialist Movement in Chattanooga is the real demonstration. 37 seconds. By David Tulis The coverage of the neo-Nazi protest in Chattanooga shows traditional media at its best. The story is so vital to the people of the town that only one side needs be told. And that […]

‘Is it OK to be gay?’ Christianity insists on chastity

Jeremy Roberts lives out the Christian doctrine of sexual purity by being married to his wife, Charity, and being a family man. He is a minister of the gospel in Chattanooga. By Jeremy Roberts Last night, it was announced that the A&E Network has suspended Duck Dynasty’s Phil Robertson due to his statements in an […]